Membership is open to all men from different backgrounds who are law-abiding and of good character. Freemasonry is a multi-racial and multi-cultural organisation that has attracted men of goodwill from all sectors of the community into its membership. There are similar Masonic organisations for women.

Freemasonry has four important principles which guide us on our path through life:
• Integrity: Building good people – We focus on developing our integrity and membership helps to give a structure to achieve this.
• Friendship: Building together – We have a common foundation for friendship with our fellow members.
• Respect: Building unity – Freemasonry makes no distinctions about race, religion or other differences that divides people.
• Charity: Building compassion – Charity and kindness is very important to freemasons. The organisation provides an opportunity for members to make an impact in their local community and further afield.
Freemasonry is organised into local private lodges within a geographic area. Generally, each has between 20 – 40 members. All freemasons subscribe to an overarching set of rules, derived from the United Grand Lodge of England.
Freemasonry is not a secret society, but there are some things in it which we agree to keep secret between ourselves, such as forms of recognition like a handshake. There is not anything within Freemasonry that will offend any of your religious, moral or civil duties, nor is it in conflict with any of the country’s laws.
Freemasonry is one of those interests or pursuits that the more you put in, the more you can get out of it. How much you gain will depend entirely on your own circumstances. Generally, a lodge meets four or five times a year, starting around 5 pm. Afterwards we have a drink in the bar and then all dine together formally. The evening is usually concluded around 9.30pm.
If this interests you, please feel free to use the contact page where you can arrange to speak with someone locally and find out more. You can also find information about freemasonry on the United Grand Lodge of England web site.